On this page, we summarize software for
- creating GoodRelations data from or
- exporting GoodRelations data into
other formats.
- Multi-format Data Markup Converter, can translate between RDFa, Microdata, RDF/XML, Turtle, NTriples, Trix, and JSON.
- BMEcat2GoodRelations converter, creates GoodRelations data from BMEcat 2005 XML catalogs
- Tool for creating BMEcat catalogs (in German)
- Tool for validating and visualizing BMEcat catalogs (in German)
- RDF2RDFa converter, turns RDF/XML content into simple RDFa snippets that can be easily pasted into any XHTML Web page.
- General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) converter
- Google Product Feed Converter, converts Google Shopping feeds into GoodRelations data for the Web
- Gregg Kellogg's multi-format RDF converter.