ICWE 2012 Tutorial: The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief
A Hands-on Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, Schema.org, RDFa and Microdata Authoring, Google Rich Snippets for Products, Yahoo, Bing, and Linked Open Commerce
The GoodRelations ontology (http://purl.org/goodrelations/) is one huge success story of applying Semantic Web technology to business challenges. In this tutorial, we will (1) give a comprehensive overview and hands-on training on the conceptual structures of the GoodRelations ontology including patterns for ownership and demand, (2) present the full tool chain for producing and consuming GoodRelations-related data, (3) explain the long-term vision of linked open commerce, (4) describe the main challenges for future research in the field, and (5) discuss advanced topics, like access control, identity and authentication (e.g. with WebID); micropayment services (like Payswarm), and data management issues from the publisher and consumer perspective.
- Overview and Motivation: Linked Open Commerce
- Quick Review of Prerequisites
- Markup Languages – XML, HTML, XHTML
- Semantic Web for Web Masters: RDF, RDF syntaxes, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL
- RDFa: Bridging the Web of Documents with the Web of Data
- Tooling and Infrastructure: Editors, Repositories, Parsers, Frameworks
- Linked Data Principles
- GoodRelations Ontology: Minimal Example and Motivating Scenarios
- The GoodRelations Ontology
- Preliminaries: Header and Namespace Definition
- Step 1: Business Entity
- Step 2: Products and Offerings
- Step 3: Eligible Customers and Regions
- Step 4: Price Specifications
- Step 5: Delivery Options and Delivery Charge Specifications
- Step 6: Payment Options and Payment Charge Specifications
- Step 7: Warranty Promises
- Step 8: Bundles
- Step 9: Services and Value Ranges
- Step 10: Shop Locations and Opening Hours
- Step 11: Consumables, Accessories, Spare Parts, and Similar Products
- Hands-on Exercise: Annotating a Small Web Shop
- GoodRelations – Advanced Topics
- Handling of Ranges and Intervals
- Products and Services: Models, Classes, and Instances
- Modeling demand and tenders
- Modeling ownership and public shopping histories
- Querying the Web of Data for Offerings
- SPARQL Query Language Overview
- Examples
- Exercises
- Microdata
- Overview
- GoodRelations in Microdata
- Schema.org
- Microdata-to-RDF conversion
- Designing microdata vocabularies
- GoodRelations for Search Engines
- Publishing GoodRelations Data
- Consuming GoodRelations Data
- Access Control, Authentication, and Identity
- Micropayment Systems and Incentives
- Advanced Topics
- Group Project
- Discussion, Conclusion, Feedback Round
Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp
Chair of General Management and E-Business
E-Business and Web Science Research Group
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany
http://www.heppnetz.de (personal page) / http://www.unibw.de/ebusiness/ (group)
Phone: +49 89 6004-4217